Fencing Classes

Black Hills Fencing Club offers instruction in all three fencing weapons.  However, we primarily focus on foil for our beginners classes.  We offer two classes per year, one in the fall (usually around the first of October) and one in the winter/spring (usually early- to mid-February). Photo of fencers with instructor

Our primary location is in Rapid City at the RC Aquatics Center; however, we also offer classes at other locations if there is sufficient interest. Classes in Spearfish are hosted at the Spearfish Rec Center, and we also regularly meet at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (primarily for Tech students). Other classes have been hosted in Pierre, and the club is open to offering classes in other locations. Contact Us for more details.

Upcoming Classes

2024 Fall Beginners Class (Rapid City)

Learn the fundamentals of the Olympic-style fencing. Fencing is a unique sport in many way.  It blends athleticism with strategy, honor and tradition with modern technology, and team dynamics within an individual sport.  Like many martial sports, fencing is a life-long journey, but you can learn the fundamentals quickly.

This class includes 12-hours of instruction over 10 weeks, and equipment rental is included in the price. The first night is no-obligation, so feel free to show-up to check out the class before committing. Open to all ages 12 years-old* and up, and it is a great family sport.

* Students under 12 years-old are welcome and will be considered on a case-by-case basis; we just want to make sure they can handle the equipment.

From: 2024-10-03 to 2024-12-19

Price: $130

Time: 06:00 pm

Duration: 60 minutes

Fall 2024 SDSM&T Practices...

SD Mines Fencing Club is a SDSM&T Student Organization dedicated to promoting and teaching the sport of Olympic-style fencing to Mines students.  The group is meeting on Mondays at the Wellness Center.  All Tech Students are welcome to attend.  Join at Presence.io (https://sdsmt.presence.io/organization/fencing-club) or simply come to the multipurpose room in the Newlin Wellness Center on Mondays (see time below).

From: 2024-09-09 to 2024-12-09

Price: $Free

Time: 06:00 pm

Duration: 120 minutes